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My Sofie

20 14:08:05

We have a three yr. old female long-haired cat. We also recently (June 06) lost our 12 yr. old black female lab, which our cat and her were "buds". I notice her meowing alot more whenever I go in my bedroom and shut the door for a brief time or early in the morning she will come walking up to our bedroom meowing loudly. Sometimes she will have her yellow rabbit-haired like puff ball in her mouth as she is meowing and walking along? Do you have any ideas why she is doing this? And do you think getting another kitty would be something she would like? I have heard that the older cat when you get a new kitty will start peeing in other places than her kitty box if you introduce a new addition (kitty) to the house? Boy, I can't have that! I was just wondering why she meows so much now? It has been 3 months since our Lab died. I would appreciate any response you could give me to these questions. Thanks so much!

Hello Ann,

It sounds like a half and half type thing.  When Sofie's walking around the house, moaning with a toy in her mouth, it's her being proud of her "kill" and showing it off.  The other times she's been meowing might certainly be her being lonely since her friend died.  

You should be perfectly fine getting her another friend.  If they are introduced properly, you will have a very small chance of any inappropriate peeing (or other adverse behaviours) happening as a result.  That sort of thing doesn't happen every time, ESPECIALLY if things are done right.  :o)  Don't worry.

As far as age and such for her new friend, I would recommend a male kitty that's about the age of 1 1/2 or 2yrs.  That way her new friend is young enough to be happy to have someone around to play with, and will probably add just the right amount of spunk in her life.  Any younger, though, you run the risk of the new friend being more of an annoyance than a friend.  

As far as introducing them, here's what I recommend.  Have a room all set up with the new kitty's things, giving Sofie the rest of the house.  Keep New Kitty in the room behind closed doors until you see them playing footsie under the door and showing a good interest in meeting each other.  This could take as little as a couple days, or as much as a week...really depends on the kitties.  

When you see that they're interested in meeting, open the door and let them introduce one another on their own.  Stay close by.  Don't's natural to hear a little hissing, or see a paw batting.  It's nothing to worry's just them getting used to each other.  It's perfectly good to sit there and saw sweet somethings to both of them--encouragement is good.  It'll also be soothing to Sofie to hear your voice during her first encounter, just try not to say a terrible lot...just encouragements every now and then.

Now, if you see that they are happy to see one another and get along famously from the get-go, be prepared for this to last about a week, and then have some minor problems at about the second week.  It may be that Sofie thought this was a temporary houseguest, and then realized he was a permanent family member and got upset.  It's okay, don't be's perfectly natural, and things will be okay again soon.

So, as far as these first introductions, it really depends on how they go, if you then decide that they're okay being around each other without your presence.  If you see that they're comfortable (or at least mostly), it should be fine.  Just observe them over the period of a day, and see how things go.  If things are going well, try leaving the room and covertly peeking from the next room to see how they act away from your presence.

This should prove to be quite the successful introduction.  It will be perfectly normal for one or the other of them to establish dominance over the period of the first month or so, so don't worry.  If you see any behaviour you don't understand or are worried about, separate them and write me, and I'll help you out!  :o)

Aside from all that, let me know how things turn out, okay?  

Hugs to you both...and my love in losing your dear Lab friend.
