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6 month old Siamese cat wont cover poop

20 14:07:15

I have a 4 year old long hair siamese and two 6 month old short hair and my problem stems from one of my 6 month old little boys. He will go have a bowel movement and not cover it when he is done, uugghh. So of course everyone is about to puke when he finishes and it is just terrible. My husband would like to sell him at this point and I really do not want to seperate the brothers. Help me what can I do to get him to act like the other kitty's and cover his poop...

Hi Sheila,

Cats usually do this as a form of territorial marking. I suggest trying to provide additional litter trays (usually 1 per cat plus 1 extra). A covered litter tray might help as well. Also try to identify anything in the home environment that might be stressing your "problem child" as stress is often the trigger for this type of behaviour problem.

Have the brothers been neutered/castrated? If not, having this done may help as although territorial marking (rubbing against surfaces, spraying, physical scratches on vertical surfaces, etc.) is normal cat behaviour, it is generally more prevalent amongst entire Toms.

Please let me know how it goes as owners' feedback enables us to "fine-tune" and improve our interventions, to everyone's benefit.

Thank you for your question.
