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Cat Straying from Home

20 13:53:11

My neighbor's outdoor cat normally visits with me for an hour or so per day and then heads home to her own house.  Recently she was diagnosed with a thyroid problem which is being addressed with medication.  A couple of days prior to seeing the vet for the thyroid issue, she started staying at my house, refusing to go out other than to nap on the screened porch.  While I welcome her company, her owners (who are very loving toward her) and I are perplexed over this strange behavior.  While at my house, she mainly sleeps.  It should be noted that my neighbors do not have children living with them but occasionally have visitors on the weekends (including a little rugrat).  I live alone and periodically have adult visitors.  Any ideas as to why the change in location?


Though cats are pets, they are also independent creatures. The cat is where she wants to be, and where she feels happiest, most secure and comfortable. Most cats do not like activity, especially by children/rugrats *smile* if they they are not used to them.

Sometimes only the cat knows for sure why it does something. She may feel that you have more comfy sleeping spots, or the sun is 'warmer' on your screened porch, etc. Cat also very their 'favorite' places. She may go back home when she changes her 'place of the hour'.

I had a cat move to a neighbor's house that didn't have any cats because I was fostering some kittens. He did not like kittens! He stayed there for 6 months, only coming 'home' to visit for a short time. Then when the kittens were older, he came back home one day and stayed, acting like he never left!

Trying to force the cat to stay home, or where she doesn't want to be, will only make her unhappy and may cause behavior problems. It's enough for her right now to deal with her medical issues.

She knows where she lives, and if she chooses your house rather than hers, then, though no fault of her owners, she has her own kitty reasons for being there, even though they may not make sense to anyone else.

Actually, the cat is a lucky cat to have 2 'homes' where she is cared about!
