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Needy kitten

20 13:53:05

I have a 7 month old kitten.  She is very attached to me and quite needy.  I don't know what to do, she cries all the time and follows me around, meowing like someone was abusing her.  I can't figure out what she wants, when I get home, She will come to me purr, as she is angrily meowing. How can I make her happier and less needy?  Or is it just her personality and I will have to live with it?


Is the kitten spayed yet? If not it sounds like she may be in heat and I would get it done ASAP!

A kitten, especially one with a needy personality, needs to have another kitten for company, companionship when it is alone, and for play. Humans can't give a kitten the social skills and kind of play that another kitten can. It is also easier to take care of two kittens than one because the kittens keep each other amused and it takes some of the pressure off of you to do it. If it is feasible, I would suggest getting her a friend (or two).

Just as a precautionary measure I will add that meowing can be a sign of pain. That is the only way they can tell you.

If the kitten has Siamese in her you can expect a vocal cat. I have a Siamese mix that will tell you the same story over and over and over again! *smile* And if no one is paying any attention, she will go around outside 'talking to herself'.
