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kitten still sucking.

20 13:57:41

hey, im back again. im not sure if you remember me or not, but my kitten, karma, is STILL suckeling. on ears, the skin inbetween your fingers, the other kitten and 2 cats, everything. he eats and drinks normal, but now at 5 mos old is STILL suckeling. and until this month we didn't know what sex he was. he still doesn't have "balls", but has a "wee wee"..on the second thing i know you're not a vet, but have you ever seen this in your cats before? anyways, if its not normal, what can i do about the suckeling? if it IS okay (he seems content when he's doing it), do you know WHY he's still doing it? thanks so much for your time!

Hi Stacey!

He is still doing it because it gives him comfort and contentment. He is still a baby yet. He should quit when he gets older. It's nothing to worry about. He's a happy kitty that is very sensitive and loving, and weaned too young.

For future reference here is a website that will show you in pictures how to tell if it is a male or female kitten:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole link into your address bar)

I happy to hear HE is doing well.