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4 weeks old kitty

18 15:44:48

Hi! Could you help me? A woman I know has a pretty mixed cat with Persian, she had kitties and breast feed them 'till now. The kitties are now 4 weeks old. The problem is that this lady won't keep the little ones anylonger and wants to give them away (if possible, if not possible she is willing to take more drastic measures!). I totally disaprove this action, but I really want to save at least one. I have asked some other experts (not in the vet category though) everybody discourages me and tells me he wont survive even if I bottle feed her. Is this true? Isn't there any hope for the poor kittens? Isn't there anything I can do.
Also, I would like to ask if I try bottlefeeding how many times a day?. I am totally clueless about cats, I am much more into dogs, but I am willing to do anything is in my hand. I live in a little island and there are no vets here so is a bit hard. Should I give normal milk or maybe there is some special formula I could get from a pharmacist? Should I begin giving her canned food? And the last question, I have a big house and plenty of room but I work 8 hours a day and have to leave the kitty alone during these period. Will this be a problem?
I really appreciate your help.

The kittens should stay with their mother until 6-7 weeks of age for the best of health and socialization.  If this is not possible, you can bottle feed the kittens with KMR (kitten milk replacer) or use one of the formulas listed below until you can get KMR.   Usually about 5-6 weeks of age, kittens will begin to eat semi-solid can try mixing baby rice with meat baby food to start.  By 7-8 weeks of age, the kitten should be able to eat dry food and be totally weaned from the bottle.

As a general rule a kitten should have about 8cc's of formula per ounce of body weight per day.  At 4 weeks of age, the kitten should eat every 4 hours.

Emergency Feeding Formulas

Formula #1

8 oz. homogenized whole milk
2 egg yolks
1 teaspoon salad oil
1 drop liquid pediatric vitamins (optional)
Mix well and warm before using. Keep refrigerated.

Formula #2

1 part boiled water to 5 parts evaporated milk
1/2 teaspoon bone meal per 16 oz fluid
Mix well, refrigerate, warm before using .

Formula #3 (do not use if diarrhea is present)

1 can Evaporated Milk
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons Karo syrup

Formula #4

3 oz. condensed milk
3 oz. water
4 oz. plain yogurt (NOT low-fat)
3 large or 4 small egg yolks
Keep all 4 formulas mixed well and kept in tightly sealed jar in the refrigerator. Mix 1/2 of the estimated feeding amount with one part boiling water. Also, mix 1 drop of human infant liquid vitamins in each kitten's formula. If the kitten(s) become constipated add 1 drop of vegetable oil each kitten's formula once per day. Formula should be served at room temperature or a little warmer.