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Freshwater Parasite

23 16:56:39

Several months ago my Angelfish and my Oscars began to have seizure like fits, flipping about all over the tank and within 48 hours died.  I later noticed a tiny dirt speck like life form "swimming around along the gravel line.  I cannot magnify the creature large enough to see what it is.  I have attempted to kill this "parasite" with every product on the market.  I have also bleached my tanks, the gravel, plants and the like and nothing seems to kill this thing.  The only fish which remain alive in my tanks and undisturbed by this 'critter' are my guppies, male sword tail, cat fish and algae eater.  Please help me or refer me to a site that can.


My first suggestion is to try a product called Coppersafe, if you haven't already. It is a great product. If one complete treatment period with Coppersafe does not kill the parasite try another. Repeat the treatment cycle about 3 times before you go to this next, drastic step.

If Coppersafe does not work dismantle your tank and house your fish in a temporary quarantine tank. Clean everything and replace the gravel if this is where the parasites are making their homes. Once everything has been thoroughly cleaned in HOT water (try not to use bleach!) set up your tank again and refill it. However, DO NOT move your fish to the new tank! Watch them for at least a week or two in their quarantine tank to make sure they aren't harboring parasites. If they are safe, add them back to your freshly cleaned tank.

I hope this helps.
