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Why are they so scared??

23 9:33:35


I have to budgies and they will let me hold them and pet them but they are so scared of humans! I would like to train my birds to stop biting and be  nicer to my family and friends!
    One of them is named Trixie ans trixie is the one who will ALWAYS bite me and i am really scared to hold her(so i use soft gloves).Can you help me to get trixie to stop biting and be nicer?
    The other one is Tootsie, tootsie is so sweet when trixie is NOT aroudn but when they are together Tootsie will bite me just as much as trixie!
I really need help, i love these birds but i don't think that they love me! HELP PLEASE

P.s. Could you give me step by step directions on how to trim their wings?   

                         Thank you SOOO Much,


Your problem is very common for people who are trying to tame birds who are bonded to each other.  It is normal for birds to prefer the company of other birds, instead of humans. Especially if they were not handfed and really have every reason to be very scared of humans. We are very, very scary from their point of view. Sometimes birds who have wings trimmed or who feel traped will bite, because they don't feel they can get away.

While taming the birds, I would recommend keeping them in seperate cages. Only give them play time together out of their cages and after taming sessions. (This will encourage them to come out of the cage and if you always leaving taming sessions on a good note... it will also encourage the birds to learn and practice the "step up" command).

Work with each bird seperately at least twice a day (for no more than 10 or 15 minutes each taming session).  Make sure your birds' wings are trimmed, this will help keep them safe if they decide to try and fly away from you. However, I cannot give you step by step instructions to trim their wings. If you have never trimmed a bird's wings before, you need to have a qualified avian vet show you how first. (If you cut the wings or restrain the bird improperly, you could cause serious injury to the bird).

You can find an avian vet near you at either of these websites:


I hope this all helps. :)
