Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > turf grass for grazing

turf grass for grazing

21 9:06:35

hello, can i grow turf grass in my pasture for my horses to graze on? is it good? if it is bad, may i know why?

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  There are some forages that should not be used for grazing pasture for horses.  As an example, in Canada we can not use perennial ryegrass or some fescues for grazing forage or hay unless it is verified endophyte free as endophyte toxicity can trigger laminitis in some horses.  Alsike clover should not be used for grazing horses as it can cause photosensitivity in horses.  Your local agricultural extension office may be a good reference for acceptable grazing forages in your area, as they can be regionally influenced.

Thanks, Corlena