Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > calories burning up trotting for 20 minutes carring 55kgs

calories burning up trotting for 20 minutes carring 55kgs

21 9:05:51

hello ma'am, may i know how many calories get burn up in the horse when it is trotted under the saddle for 20 minutes carrying 55kgs? what about canter and gallop?

Hello Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  The equations for calculating energy expenditures for exercising horses can become complicated and require measurements of oxygen consumption and heart rate during exercise.  The general rule of thumb for calculating dietary energy requirements for exercising horses is to add 20%, 40%, 60% and 90% more Mcal/day over maintenance requirements for light, moderate, heavy and very heavy exercise respectively.  And of course, maintenance energy requirements for a horse are based on the horse's body the end requirements are very individual.

Thanks, Corlena