Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > FRESH LUCERNE


21 9:10:04

Dear Clair,  I have planted a small plot of lucerne in order to feed my 9 year old TB gelding a handful every day as a treat - prob about 1kg? on top of his normal feed of rolled barley/horsemeal and ad lib hay.  He's out in the field for half the day but grazing is pretty dry at the moment.  A friend is concerned that I should only feed dry lucerne as he may get colic.  I seem to remember my mother feeding all our horses a handful of fresh lucerne on top of their feed every day without any ill effects!  My horse is looking great and isn't too full of beans and LOVES the lucerne.  Just want to make sure it's safe.  many thanks.

Dear Flip,

Lucerne is a fantastic source of energy and protein and also vitamin A and E when fresh.  It does have a reputation but it is not the lucerne itself that is the problem it is feeding too much protein and energy.  In the quantities you are feeding it is fine.

Best wishes,

Clair Thunes, PhD
Independent Equine Nutrionist,
Equilibrate Equine Consulting,