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best hay for thoroughbred horses in the world

21 9:04:43

hello ma'am. which is the best hay for  thoroughbred horses in the world? it should be more fibrous and has long stem so that horses which chew them for longer time.

Hello Caine,

Thank you for your question, although it is a bit of a vague one.  There is no one hay type that is perfect for Thoroughbreds, or for any other breed or type of horse for that matter.  The best forage for any horse depends on that horse's requirements.  For high performance horses who need nutrient dense diets, you want to look for forages that are nutrient dense (more energy and protein, less undigestible fibre).  For inactive horses who tend to get fat very quickly, you want to look for forages with moderate nutrient levels and more fibre.

If you are asking which forage is best suited for racehorses in training, I would recommend choosing something with higher energy and protein levels, and lower fiber levels.  The better the forage, the less concentrate you need to feed to complete the horse's nutrient requirements.

Thanks, Corlena