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improving body condition

21 9:05:11

hello ma'am, how can i improve the body condition of this horse. seems to look weak. correct?

Hello Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  I would agree that this horse is in poor body condition and should ideally gain weight and increase body condition score.  Basically, feeding the horse a diet that provides more energy than the horse requires (creating an energy surplus) will help the horse gain weight.  How much energy the horse should consume would be a function of the horse's current size, age and level of activity. In addition to ensuring the horse is receiving enough dietary energy to encourage weight gain, you are going to want to make sure the diet supports the horse's protein, mineral and vitamin requirements as they will all have a role in gaining condition.

Of course, you will also want to make sure that the horse does not have any disorders or diseases that prevent it from gaining weight, including teeth issues and parasite infestations.

Thanks, Corlena