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horses getting excited seeing the feed

21 9:06:41

hello, i have seen few horses getting excited whenever the stable hand getting the feeb tub to the stable with feed to feed the horse. in that way, horses out of anxity biting the stable hand and injuring him. i believe that if i'm a trainer, i would tell one stable hand to catch hold of the horse until the other stable hand places the feed tub in the stall. am i right?

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  You are absolutely right that horses can get very excited (and some aggressive) at feeding time.  This is especially the case for horses that spend a lot of time inside and/or spend a little too much time without food.  Having said that, some simply show food aggression.  In those cases, you are going to want to protect your barn staff and have them work in teams.  As the trainer, you may want to work on the horse's aggressive behaviour...but look at the whole situation first.  Maybe a change in feeding routine will help with the behaviour.

Thanks, Corlena