Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > oats, barley, corn, oats with molasses, flaxseed, lucerne, dry hay contain

oats, barley, corn, oats with molasses, flaxseed, lucerne, dry hay contain

21 9:05:32

hello ma'am, may i know what all does
oats with molasses
lucerne contain?
dry hay

how they are good for horse diet? can you please explain me in detail?

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  It is difficult for me to use this forum to go through the full list of each nutrient contained in each of these feeds.  All of the feeds listed will provide energy (in the form of fat and carbohydrates), protein, mineral and vitamins to the diet in different proportions.  Horses use energy to fuel everyday life and exercise of any kind, protein for structural development including muscle growth and mineral and vitamins for a combination of structure and other biological functions.  Short of taking a post-secondary course in equine nutrition, I would suggest you invest in a copy of the NRC's Nutrient Requirements for Horses, Sixth Revised Edition.  

Thanks, Corlena