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Feeding Schedule.

21 9:06:54

I have a year old casterated throughbreed half quarterhorse. I Think he isn't getting the nutrition he needs. However, I would apreciate it if you would help me come up with a better eating plan by telling me when and what to feed him. Right now i am giving him a coffe can of alfalfa cubes half a can of crimped outs, and half a can of range cubes. alfalfa cubes because our grass isn't comming up so well this year. i feed him  one in the morning and once in the evening. anyway thank you i hope to hear from you soon : )

Hi Hannah,

Thank you for your question.  I would love to help you figure out a ration for your horse but am going to need a little more information first.  In the meantime...please stop feeding range cubes to your horse...right away.  Range cubes are 8% Urea and urea is NOT good for horse (most monogastrics, actually).

I will need to know your horse's body weight (you can use a weight tape from your local feed dealer), age in months, any forages he may have available (I know you suggested the grass isn't very there any hay available or are you going to have to feed alot of alfalfa cubes), and what feed company you use or have available.  I'll use this information to create a ration using my new Ration-X software.

Get back to me as soon as you can and I'll get working on the ration.

Thanks, Corlena