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29 Quarter Horse Gelding

21 9:09:48

I have a 29 year old Quarter Horse gelding who had colic two weeks ago.  He
is very skinny as a result.  He is not out to pasture because he also has
swollen tendon sheaths in his front two legs.  I am currently giving him a
biscuit of hay and 8 pounds of vintage senior grain a day.  Is that enough?  
Should I be feeding him more or differently?  Also, I have been cold hosing
his tendons but is there anything else I can do for his tendons?

Dear Mimi,

I assume your horse in ideal weight should weigh about 1100lbs?  If so then you should feed him as though he was that weight which would be at least 22lbs of hay which for grass hay would be about 4 biscuits.  I would actually feed him free choice grass hay if he is under weight and able to eat hay.

As for the tendons has your vet told you it is swelling in the tendon sheaths due to tendon injury or is it a windpuffs?  In older horses their legs can stock up from lack of exercise due to poor circulation.  Unless your vet has told you to keep the horse in I would turn him out however this is a vet question and should really be asked of a vet.

Being out at pasture and able to walk around will help reduce the chances of another colic episode.  If the colic was an impaction colic due to poorly chewed hay then you should consider feeding soaked hay pellets.  I also prefer feeds such as soaked sugar beet pulp to senior grains as some older horses can not handle a lot of grain.

I hope you can get some weight back on him soon.  Luckily it is easier to do at this time of year compared to during the winter months.

Best regards,
Clair Thunes, PhD.

Independent Equine Nutritionist,
Equilibrate Equine Consulting,