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breed of oats for show jumping thoroughbreds

21 9:06:38

hello, what breed of oats to feed show jumping thoroughbred horses? what are whole oats?

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  I'm not certain that there has been a specific cultivar of oats that has been proven to be the best for horses...although I'm sure that some seed salesman somewhere will argue that point.  Pretty much any variety will do.  Whole oats are acceptable to feed to horses (unlike whole corn, barley, wheat, rye) and rolled oats are only slightly more digestible than their whole alternative.  The only difference is that a whole oat is the intact oat seed, where rolled oats have been put through a roller to break open the seed.  As I suggested, the rolled version is slightly more digestible...but oats are very digestible to begin with.

Thanks, Corlena