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position for feed box, water bucket in the stall

21 9:06:39

position for feed box, water bucket in the stall
position for feed box,
hello, where should the feed box and water bucket be built in the stall, please tell me which one is correct in the given picture, i mean, feed box held in the front or at the back, what about forage, please tell me the correct place of placing fodder and forage in the stall.

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  I  prefer the location of your water and feed tubs in the front of the stall.  It makes feeding easier, keeps staff safe in instances where horses are aggressive in their stalls and improves air flow in stalls where everything is closed in except the front of the stall.   Unfortunately, ventilation is an aspect of horse facility development that is often overlooked and horses can so easily develop heaves over time as a result of poor ventilation and/or dusty forages.  I prefer to feed hay off the ground as it allows the horse to mimic natural foraging behavior, cuts down on respiratory tract irritation and it allows your horse to stretch it's neck and back when eating.  The only concern with feeding off the stall floor is sand the ingestion of too much sand can lead to sand colic.  If feeding off the ground, I would start the feed off close to the water bucket.  Expect them to push it around and pick through it.  Some people don't like the waste of hay that happens when you feed from the ground, but I will trade the waste for all of the benefits that it brings.

Thanks, Corlena