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Where did you buy grape seed extract?

21 9:07:30

You had suggested to give a horse with a cough etc.  Grape seed extract- thatit works great as an anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory.  It stated in the article to buy at basic equine nutrition.  I was unable to find that website.  Do you have the exact site?  I would love to order some.

Hi Kim,

The Basic Equine site is ''  but I notice that it comes up as a broken link.  If you try '' or call them at 1-888-207-8909.  If all else fails or if you need some right away until your order comes in, you can buy it in a human health food store and it comes in the same format that horses get.  The difference is that the Basic Equine product is much more cost effective for horses.

I'm glad to see that you are going to give it a try, and I'm sure it will work how you need it to.

Thanks, Corlena