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along the lines of tack

21 9:10:32

Hello. My question is about blankets: I inherited a bunch of horse stuff from my aunt, and I found a blanket, but i'm not sure if it is a blanket or not! On the box it says it is a "horse net." I don't think that it is a cooler, but it is a net, it is almost a crocheted blanket with holes about 1/4 inch in diameter. Do you have any idea what it is used for? thank you. Erin

Hi Erin,

It is indeed a cooler rug.  They are very popular in England and Australia.  You put them on the horse then place a cotton rug on top.  The weave allows extra air to get under the rug to cool/dry the horse off more quickly without chilling.  The rug is taken off after an hour or so.
