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belgian horses

21 9:10:36

Do Belgians tend to sweat alot more than other breeds? I ride a 9 yr old mare 1 to 2 times a week,1 to 2 hr trail or ring work. She actually is usually in a full sweat when I get her from the field to bring her in to saddle her up. I keep equispot on her to keep the fly problem from being too bad during the day.I'm just wondering if the sweating is a breed thing? Also how long is the typical life expectantcy for large breeds?

Hi Debbie,

Belgian drafts usually have quite a heavy coat and in warmer temps would be more likely to sweat than your average TB for instance.

HOWEVER, the description you have presented is not normal. I would have her checked out by a vet, it sounds like she may be having trouble regulating her body temperature (there are a number of causes and it's a symptom of a number of diseases).

In the short term I would supplement her with a reputable electrolyte and not work her.  But I cannont suggest strongly enough that she be checked out by a vet.  Even in a worse case scenario where it's something serious, the sooner a vet can diagnose and treat it the better chance there is for a full recovery.

Good luck