Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > how much quantity of timothy hay should contain 13.7% protein

how much quantity of timothy hay should contain 13.7% protein

21 9:06:33

hello ma'am, i am not a medical student, i want to know what does protein give to a horse? how much % of protein is good for horses? ma'am, once you told me that timothy hay has 13.7% of protein but you didnt mention the quantity of timothy hay. can you please mention the quantity of timothy hay which has 13.7% protein?

Hello Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  Horses use dietary protein primarily for skeletal development and muscle.  Growing horses will use it to deposit body structure, and adult horses will use it for muscle development.   Protein is also used up in the production of enzymes, hair, hoof, tissue and a myriad of other functions.  In saying that timothy hay has 13.7% protein means that every kilogram of timothy contains 137 grams of protein, and every 10 kilograms contains 1.37 kilograms of protein.

I hope that helps.

Thanks, Corlena