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21 9:07:32

I live in sandy Florida. I have a very dark brown horse that usually looks black with a shiny coat. He receives pellet feed 2x a day along with a small scoop of "Precise Minerals" 2x a day. Up until now his coat has stayed very black. In May I moved him and besides his feed he is now on 9 acres with a 5 horse herd; he does receive coastal hay. The problem is now he is becoming lighter and lighter and his trainer says this is because he is outside in the sun and since he is now a true black horse that is why he is changing color. His vet says it is because he is mineral deficient which allows for the color change. His coat is no longer shiny. This is my first horse and I am caught inbetween the two; I just want what is best for him including returning him to the darker, shinier coat. Since the move in May he is a happier, well fed, dominant with his herd and overall I am happy; please help. Bea Burridge

I believe that he is faded because of sun exposure. Even a "true black" horse will fade in the sun. You can feed him "black as knight." Horses are so much better off being outside. If you have to sacrifice his color for his happiness, you are doing good by him. The black as knight should do the trick. You will be happy with his shiny, dark coat and he will be happy staying outside.