Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > supplements


21 9:10:18

I have a TB exracehorse mare. Her back is long and I was wondering is there are any supplements you know of that can help build a strong back. Someone reccomended a protein powder shake formula for humans but give it in the horses feed. Would that work? If so, whats the best that will work?

Hi Jamielyn,  I would stay away from the human supplements for now, as they are not formulated for the digestive system of a horse.  You can get supplements for building muscle in horses much like the supplements for people.  I've never used any but I've read the labels on them.  Check your local feed store or vet supply magazine. You may also try asking your vet what they would suggest in helping build muscle via supplements.  Also, trot-hill work will also help to build the muscle she may be lacking.  You would start out doing 15 min. (or whatever her fitness level would allow) trot sets up and down a hill and gradually increase the time.  Good luck, Jessica