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How much should i feed my 3 year old arab.

21 9:09:50

i have a 3 and ahalf year old arab gelding and he is just starting back in work.
i would like to know whats the best i should be feeding him.
he is getting a buicult of hay in the morning, 1.5dipper of oaten chaff, 1/2
lucern chaff, 1/2 dipper pellets and 1/2 dipper of prydes easy cool for dinner.
his grass paddock also has grass in it.
i would like to know if i am feeding him right or what else i could give him.
he is not skinny but not fat.

Dear Sammi,

I am afraid that I can not give you much insight into what he should be fed becuase I do not know how much he weighs or the level of work he is doing.  Therefore I have no idea what his requirements are.  Also I would need to know what he is being fed in pounds or kilograms and the actual type of pellets etc as I am not familiar with the feeds that you say you are feeding.

I would be more than happy to help you further if you can get me more accurate information.

Best regards,

Clair Thunes, PhD
Independent Equine Nutritionist,
Equilibrate Equine Consulting,