Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > Watering


21 9:09:48

I am about to purchase my first horse and I was wondering if it is healthy to let the horse drink from creek water that cows also drink from. We have a spring that starts on our farm and runs right through. Our cattle have constant access to this water and it would be convenient if the horse could use it too. however, if there is any risk to the well being of my horse I will water in a trough instead.

Thanks for your time!  Any advice is appreciated!

Dear Jackie,

My apologies for the delayed response.  A creek is a fantastic source of water for horses as long as it does not have a sandy bottom and it is fast flowing enough that it can not become stagnant.  With cattle also using it I would be concerned about the edges getting very muddy and therefore the water having a lot of soil in it.  Horses are prone to sand colic where sand builds up in their digestive tract.  You do not want them to be vacuuming sand off the bottom of the creek when they drink.  So a rocky bottom, clear water and fairly deep 6-12inches would probably be best.

Congratulations on your new horse!


Clair Thunes, PhD
Independent Equine Nutritionist,
Equilibrate Equine Consulting,