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feeding formula for show jumping thoroughbred

21 9:06:36

hello, can you please give me a feeding formula for thoroughbred show jumping horses? please. tell me what all to feed them, including forage and fodder. then, how many gallons of water a thoroughbred show jumping horse is expected to drink per day?

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  There is no ration formula set in stone for feeding a horse in show jumping.  Nutrient requirements are quite specific to every horse in that they are based on body weight and workloads, and must take into account forage quality before a complete feed selection can be made.  There are a lot of variables in a ration so there is no 1 magic set of numbers.  If you need help with a specific horse and provide me with more precise details I would be happy to put together a feed ration for you.

Thanks, Corlena