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200ml flaxseed oil - safe or not

21 9:04:38

hi ma'am. hope 200ml of flaxseed oil doesnt lead to any health issue in horses. Can you also answer me whether flaxseed oil reduce the risk of colic in horses irrespective of any age, breed, gender, discipline?

Hello Roberts,

Thank you for your question.  In similar previous questions, I've stayed away from establishing absolute requirements for feed ingredients without knowing what the rest of the diet is.  The rule of thumb is not to exceed 10% total fat in the diet.  Having said that, 200ml of flaxseed oil alone doesn't strike me as excessive or's equivalent to about 2 cups a day.  I wouldn't go so far as to suggest that feeding 200ml of oil a day is going to reduce the risk of colic.  Colic can be caused by many different factors, and prevented by equally as many.  Feeding vegetable oil is no guarantee that your horse will not colic.  

Thanks, Corlena