Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > flaxseed for racehorses

flaxseed for racehorses

21 9:05:13

hello ma'am, how much quantity of flaxseed should i feed a racing thoroughbred per day?

Hello Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  A recommendation for feeding flaxseed really needs to be based on some specifics about the horse being fed, and the basis for feeding the flax.  For example, if you're feeding flax to give your horse a shiny coat then 1-2 cups per day is a good feeding rate.  But if you are using flax as an energy source for performance you would naturally feed much more...and how much more is only determined by formulating a ration to determine how much you need.  There is no set amount that will do for every horse in every situation.

Thanks, Corlena