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too much of salt and sweet

21 9:05:13

hello ma'am, is too much of salt and sweet feed bad for horses?

Hello Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  It is possible to feed too much salt to a horse, although not often a problem as salt is generally provided free choice and horses tend to regulate their own intake given the chance.  How much is too much really depends on how much you are feeding in relation to how much salt the horse is losing (for example in their sweat while exercising).  

In my opinion, sweet feed (based on cereal grains) is not ideal for horses and can cause a number of digestive and metabolic disorders.  And so I'm a strong believer that too much sweet feed is bad for horses.  Again how much is too much can be a bit subjective...but I steer away from sweet feed as much as possible.  As a guideline, you will want to avoid feeding more than 0.5kg of cereal based grain per 100kg of body weight per feeding.  More than that is too much.

Thanks, Corlena