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feeding wet grain

21 9:06:27

Hi, My daughters 31yr old pony recently choked on his grain.  He has made a full recovery but now refuses to eat his wet down grain.  He normally eats a large amount of LMF Senior morning and night due to his lack of molars.  He has no other medical issues or restrictions.  Any helpful tricks to get him to eat his "slop"?  Thanks, Penny

Hi Penny,

Thanks for your question, it certainly is a great one.  I would first suggest that you not let the wet grain sit for too long before feeding, especially in the heat of the summer (this may be something you have already taken into consideration, but just making sure) as it can either ferment or go rancid quite quickly and horses will refuse to eat it. Try not to make the mix too wet, only add enough water to make it into a mash. Because your pony is older, I don't want to suggest adding too much sugar but maybe you could try a spoonful of molasses in the feed to improve palatability. Yet another option may be to include some beet pulp with the grain, although not all horses like beet pulp.  If that fails, some feed companies use appetite stimulants or flavors in their calf feeds and may have some in bulk at the mixing mill.  You could inquire at your local feed manufacturer...and oddly enough we have had the most success with orange flavor, go figure.

I hope these suggestions help.

Thanks, Corlena