Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > overweight Belgian

overweight Belgian

21 9:10:31

my friend lives in TX and owns a Belgian pmu she is about 5 all she is,is a pasture pet,has had little training she has a huge neck my daughter feels that they are overfeeding her with grain,my daughter thinks she should have no grain because she is not worked do you agree with i could send a pic


You are quite right.  A horse (regardless of size) who is not doing moderate to heavy physical work does not need grain.  Feeding grain to horses who do little to no work will only lead to obesity, founder/laminitis and all sorts of digestive problems that could lead to serious injury and death.

A horse in this scenario should be fed good quality hay only and it's weight:feed ratio monitored and adjusted to keep the horse in good but not fat condition.
