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loss in hair color

21 9:10:44

my horse has been losing the color in his hair (bay to flecked white) and i believe it was from not enough minerals because we started to feed him someother sort of food other than hay and grass and it came back for a while. i do not know what was in the food that we fed him so do u have any ideas on what might have been giving him the mineral or vitamin supplement that would cause him to regain his coloring? would it be like a certain type of pellet or corn or something?
Thank you

I have never heard of  horse losing his coat color from feedig him the wrong thing. It could be plenty of other reasons why too. Like if you leave your horse out in the sun for a long time the coat will start to fade away but that is usually with black horses. I have a chestnut mare who I let out into to pasture everyday for a few hours and her coat changed a little bit. If you want to try to get his oringal hair color back then maybe you should try mixing 1/4 cup of apple cidar vinegar into his feed that helps with the coat or maybe feed suppliements that specilizes in hair care for horses. If you do leave him in the pasture then you should buy a sheet for him so his coat wont fade out in the sun.
I hope this helps and good luck.