Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > Tail bone grows hair...

Tail bone grows hair...

21 9:07:31

Is this true? Personally, with my education, growth cells for hair is located in the bulb, not the bone. A woman told me to put listerine on a horses tail bone to stimulate hair growth, but it will not work on the mane or forelock because there is no bone there.

Putting listerine mumbo jumbo aside, lets say 'it grows hair'. It does not have to be put on a bone to stimulate hair growth, right?

That is not true as stated. The tail bone does have skin covering it and that skin has hair follicles. All the hair in the tail does originate from the skin on the tail bone. There is nothing in Listerine that has been shown to promote hair growth. I wouldn't waste my time using it on any hair. If it worked to grow tail hair it would work to grow any hair because all hair comes from hair follicles whether they are in skin covering a tail vertebrae or the cervical (neck) vertebrae. There are products out there that will grow hair. I have had the best luck with Shapley's MTG. It kills any bacteria and promotes hair growth.