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Pasture horse

21 9:07:33

I have a horse that is more of a pet than anything.  Is it okay to just let it graze in the pasture when the pasture is green and growing, or do I have to provide additional feed. I live in Texas.

I am also in Texas. To give you the best answer I need a little more information. Is your horse in good weight, is it under or overweight? If you do not need to increase calories to gain body condition, then you will still need to consider vitamin and mineral deficiencies that not providing a feed could cause. Even a grown horse just requiring nutrients for maintenance has vitamin and mineral requirements. There are several options available to you that can be sure these needs are met. A good vitamin mineral supplement that is balanced will take care of any holes in your grass. Also, be sure to provide a salt block at all times. I hope this was help to you. Thank you for asking. :)