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timothy pasture should contain

21 9:06:37

how big can a timothy pasture be? i want to set loose 4 horses at once on them. what all should the pasture contain, i mean, a shed for horse shelter whenever it rains, and a large water bucket for free access of water. tell me more madam

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  The pasture for 4 horses can be as big as you want it to be, but should be at least 5 acres in order for it to produce enough grass for the horses to survive on without extra forage supplementation.  Mind you, that can vary depending on where you are and what your growing season is like.  If there is no natural shade and shelter in the field, it is important to provide a shelter big enough for the horses to get into.  Horses need to have access to adequate amounts of a water trough will be necessary in the pasture if there is no natural freshwater source.  You can expect the 4 horses to drink a minimum of 40 gallons per day so ensure that either the tub is large enough to provide that, or that you are available to refill it frequently.  You should also ensure that the horses have access to a salt block...I prefer feeding loose salt as well but still provide a salt block.

Thanks, Corlena