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supplement for horse height growth

21 9:06:37

hello, at what age, the horse height stops growing? is there any supplement or fodder to increase the horse height growth?

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  The research has shown that horses are genetically predetermined to grow to 67% of their adult size by the time they are 12 months old, 85% by 24 months and 96% by 36 months.  Dietary protein combined with energy are what will create size...with the energy acting as the fuel for growth and the protein is used for body structure.  Complete feeds designed specifically for that age group will provide you with the correct proportions of protein and energy.  If you don't have access to complete feeds, processed feeds like soybean meal (or soya flakes) provide protein and vegetable fat and cereal grains bring energy to the diet.

Thanks, Corlena