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feeding in off season

21 9:06:03

hello ma'am, here in India, temperature touches 40 to 42degrees. so, we have an off season for our racehorses from February to June. so, may  i know what all to feed racehorses in hot climates i.e in the off season?

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  A horse's ration should be designed to meet their requirements so what you choose to feed depends on what type and how much work your horse is doing.  Any ration should be forage based, and grains/supplements added as required to meet energy, protein and mineral requirements.  That's to say that in an off season where horses are not worked at all, a predominantly forage diet may suffice.  If the horses are still in training but not racing, adjust the ration accordingly.  The only way to determine for sure what each of your horses should have is to calculate your ration.  Start by having your forage analyzed, and then use a ration software to calculate what else is needed.  Your local feed dealer may be able to provide a professional to help, there are some online programs available and I have created a software called Ration-X that I routinely use.

Thanks, Corlena