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sodium betonite in water tank

21 9:07:25

we have used old,large tractor tires as water tanks for our horses- we put sodium betonite in the bottom to keep water from leaking out- but when dogs jump in and disrupt the betonite it swirls up from the bottom and horses drink it- will ingesting the betonite clog their intestines- should i remove the betonite and just stick to concrete


Thank you for your question.  Sodium bentonite is a product that is used in livestock feeds as a mycotoxin binder so it may actually be beneficial that they are getting it in their water.  In fact, the recommended feeding rate to bind feed borne mycotoxins is 200 grams per day (or the equivalent of 2 cups) I doubt that they are consuming the equivalent of that from the stirred up water.  Although horses can suffer from sodium toxicity, it generally occurs when too much salt is consumed without enough water present.  In your case, sodium (bentonite) is only being consumed in conjunction with water.  The powder as a whole is more dense than sand (which sticks around and causes sand colic) and will be moved along the digestive quite successfully.  So, in short, I doubt you will experience any illness.

I hope that helps.

Thanks, Corlena