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Bone Spur

21 9:10:15

I have heard that putting clay on a horses body can help when there is inflammation. My Horse (30 yr old Appaloosa mare) has a bone spur although I am not sure if she is correct, but the chestnut on that leg is very soft, easily puncturable and a pale yellow-white. I was wondering if I could put clay on the inflammed heated area to help reduce swelling or reduce pain? Also my vet said that the bone spur would grow back and grow back faster if we used ultrasound/shockwave therapy to get rid of the bone, is this true?

Hi Sara, I know you can put a clay poultice on one's leg if they have a tendon inflamed but I don't know about a bone spur.  I've never heard that about the chestnut being soft, however, I've never had one with a bond spur either.  I don't know about the shockwave therapy or ultrasound.  That I know of you would just be using the shockwave to reduce not actually take out the bone spur as that would require surgery.  The shockwave speeds up healing time after an injury and an ultrasound is used to look at soft tissue.  So I can't answer that as I've never heard of using that method to take something such as a bone spur out.  Thanks, Jessica