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ulcer in horse - feeding green chillies

21 9:05:49

hello ma'am, do horses suffer from ulcers if they are accidentally fed green chillies? may i know what all fodder and forage should i ignore to get rid of ulcers in horses?

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question, although I have no experience with what happens to horses fed green chillies so I can't say for sure if they would cause ulcers.  Horses can develop ulcers for a number of reasons, one of them is from eating high-starch feeds.  In this case, you would want to avoid feeding cereal grains like oats, corn, barley, wheat and rye.  Horses prone to ulcers benefit from diets rich in forages, especially long stem forages like pasture and dry hay of just about any species.  Lots of forage and no (or next to no) grain is the best diet for avoiding ulcers.  Mind you stress, high blood histamine levels and certain medications can also cause avoiding those non-nutritional factors can also help prevent ulcers.

Thanks, Corlena