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dietary fat and body fat

21 9:04:57

QUESTION: hello ma'am. may i know the difference between dietary fats and body fats in equine nutrition?

ANSWER: Hello Caine,

Thank you for your question.  Dietary fat is the amount of fat in the horse's diet, where body fat is the amount of fat in the horse itself (body composition).

Thanks, Corlena

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your answer. does dietary fat in equine feed lead to body fat?

Hello Caine,

Thank you fro your question.  Dietary fat, carbohydrates and protein can lend to the deposition of body fat if consumed in amounts that exceed the horse's energy requirements.  Body fat, or lack thereof, is a matter of energy balance.  Feed too much energy and a horse gets fat.  Feed too little energy and a horse gets skinny.  The amount of energy the horse needs depends primarily on its size and activity level.  I hope that helps with the concept of body fat.

Thanks, Corlena