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What horses can eat and cant eat

21 9:10:17

Me and my cousin are horse lovers, and we love to ride horses, but we also like to give them treats after riding them. Soooo, we want to know what they can eat and what they can't eat, just to be on the safe side.

Hi, Personally I don't like to give treats on a regular basis.  Horses who receive treats regularly become nippy and some it will cause biting.  I hate for a horse to be in my space while I'm trying to do something begging for a treat.  So, for the most part I don't feed treats for that reason.  As far as ones that are safe to feed, I would say carrots, apples, water melon are safe in small amounts meaning one slice of water melon, one carrot, one apple 1-2 times a day.  You can also go to your local feed store and buy treats already made up that are made for horses.  I wouldn't suggest any kind of treat in excess.  Thank you, Jessica