Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > % of protein, fat, calcium in bran, oats, barley

% of protein, fat, calcium in bran, oats, barley

21 9:05:46

hello ma'am, may i know how much % of protein, fat, calcium is present in bran, oats, barley. horses can bear upto how much protein, fat, calcium content?

Hello Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  When feeding horses, we're less concerned with choosing feeds based their perfect nutrient balance and more focused on ensuring that at the end of the day, the horse has consumed its nutrient requirements.  And we don't want to maximize how much of each of the nutrients we feed, we want to optimize them.  More is not always better, and excesses of nutrients can be toxic causing metabolic disturbances and in some cases death.  The NRC Nutrient Requirement for Horse is an invaluable source for the nutrient content of commonly used horse feed ingredients, and the information is available from them online at:  The NRC also publishes the nutrient requirements of various working groups of horses and may be helpful to you.  Remember, its all about the balance.

Thanks, Corlena