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rice bran - fat for horses

21 9:06:45

hello, i believe that rice bran puts on fat for horses. and i think it is good for skinny horses. am i right? i am watching free videos on youtube to make myself strong in equine knowledge. can you suggest me some more google links or books? please!!!

Hello Caine,

Thank you for your question.  Rice bran is indeed a good source of fat and energy for horses...which means that it will help them gain weight.  The source of energy from rice bran is much safer for the horse than any starch alternative.  

I am always cautious about recommending horse nutrition sites on the internet...mainly because some of the information that I've come across is erroneous and verging on dangerous.  If you check out my website,, there will be a series of blogs on nutrition.  Also check out Ration-X on facebook and refer to some of the pages we 'like'...they are the sources that I trust.

Thanks, Corlena