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show jumping horses on electrolytes

21 9:06:45

hello, do show jumping thoroughbred horses require electrolytes? if yes, may i know during which feeding schedule i should provide them? i mean, morning or night feed schedule.

Hi Caine,

Thank you for your question.  In my opinion, most performance horses should be on an electrolyte regime while in heavy training and competition.  The thing about electrolytes though, is that the body will not store an excess of electrolytes anywhere...and levels in the bloodstream are fairly well regulated.  So, you really only need to feed electrolytes when your horse is going to be losing the minerals from it's system...and a little afterwards to replenish blood stores.  It would be best to feed the electrolytes more evenly throughout the day to replenish them on a regular basis...I would say twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, should be sufficient.

I hope that helps.

Thanks, Corlena