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legume and bran mash

21 9:06:49

hello, what does "legume" and "bran mash" mean in simple terms? can i use the term mash for oats and barley?

Hello Caine,

Thank you for your question.  

Legume is a term for a plant of the family 'Fabaceae ', a foliage found  to be high in protein and a plant capable of binding protein in the soil.

A bran mash is a wet slurry made from adding water to bran, generally wheat bran.  The bran of a grain is the removed hard outer layer of the seed (composed of the aluerone and the pericarp of the seed).  Types of bran common in the feed industry are  wheat bran, rice bran, corn bran, oat bran, barley bran and millet bran.  You can make a mash for horses using any of these types of bran and refer to it as a bran mash.

Thanks, Corlena