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altering feeding time schedule from 2 to 3 times a day

21 9:04:41

hello ma'am. could you please suggest me the right feeding timing schedule for thoroughbred racehorses? timings for grooms are 5:30am to 9:15am and 3:30pm to 6pm. we feed our horses 2 times a day that is at 9am and evening meal around 6pm. my boss(trainer) feeds 3kg oats along with supplements in the morning meal and 4.5kg oats in the evening. i want to alter this schedule from two to three times a day.

Hello Caine,

7.5kg (16.5 pounds)of oats a day is a LOT for a horse and definitely better spread out over a greater number of feedings.  My suggestion would be to add a mid day feeding, or move up the evening feeding to early afternoon and add a late night feeding.  But I guess that depends on what resources you have available.  You are going to want to ensure that the feedings are separated by a number of hours, and that they are not fed a large amount of grain immediately before exercising.  

Thanks, Corlena