Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > para grass for my thoroughbred

para grass for my thoroughbred

21 9:05:21

para grass
para grass  
QUESTION: hello ma'am, can i feed cut out para grass to my ex-racehorse(thoroughbred)?

ANSWER: Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  You can indeed feed para grass to horses.  The grass has moderate nutrient quality and in the wet season has reasonable digestibility.  You may find it to be less digestible in drier growing conditions but you can overcome that by supplementing with other digestible fiber sources.

Thanks, Corlena

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for your answer. as para grass is grown in water, can i wet the para grass in dry whether and feed to my horses? ma'am, another doubt, can i dry para grass and feed it as hay to my horse?

Hi Rohit,

Thank you for your question.  Para grass does like to grow in wet ground and does really well in that kind of environment, and you can cut it and dry it into hay.  However, if you have made it into hay, you may want to be careful with wetting it to feed out.  You can wet the hay down prior to feeding and it will cut down on dust and make the stalks more pliable...but once dry hay is wet down it should be fed and consumed right away otherwise it can mold especially if you're in a very hot climate.

Thanks, Corlena